9 Benefits of a Regular AC Tune Up

According to research, approximately 90% of newly built single-family homes in the United States have an air conditioning unit installed. However, having an air conditioner costs Americans more than $29 billion annually.
An HVAC system is an investment you need to take care of if you want it to last. With temperatures in the US regularly reaching highs of more than 100°F, an air conditioner can be necessary for your family’s comfort.
Owning one, however, means scheduling a periodic AC tune up. Don’t worry; it’s not money wasted; HVAC maintenance has several benefits.
Keep reading if you’re a homeowner with an AC unit and have yet to do routine AC maintenance. We’re divulging nine valuable benefits of a regular AC tune up.
1. Save On Energy Bills
One of the primary benefits of hiring an AC service company to perform maintenance is the savings you get on your energy bills. For example, if your system needs to be updated, your AC unit may consume more energy than newer models.
By maintaining and keeping your AC unit in top condition, you’ll decrease the energy being used and can save money on your energy bills.
2. Increased Efficiency
Another significant benefit of regular AC tune ups is increasing your air conditioner’s operating performance. When your air conditioner works at peak performance, it increases the running efficiency.
Better efficiency also helps lower your energy bills further. Furthermore, increased efficiency can also decrease the wear and tear on your AC unit. When you hire an AC services technician, they can help tweak your unit to perform at its best.
3. Increased Lifespan
Taking care of something has a higher likelihood of a longer lifespan – for example, taking your car in for regular servicing helps keep your vehicle running in top condition. The same applies to your HVAC system if you want it to last a long time.
With a regularly scheduled AC tune up, you can increase the life of your unit. This extra lifespan will allow you to enjoy ideal temperatures year-round. This benefit alone makes scheduling AC maintenance worth it.
4. Better Air Quality
The air inside your home can make a significant difference to the health of you and your family. One of the benefits of having an air conditioner is the air purification feature.
When your AC unit malfunctions or has clogged filters, indoor air quality suffers. When you schedule routine professional HVAC maintenance, filters can be cleaned or replaced ensuring improved air quality in your home.
If you last used your air conditioner a while ago, it’s best to have an AC tune up to ensure everything is clean and ready for use. Getting your AC tuned up at least once a season is recommended.
5. Fewer Repairs
If you’re a heavy user of your HVAC system, then your unit may require more repairs than the average user. These repairs can become costly, especially if it’s a significant repair.
If you’re performing consistent HVAC maintenance, you should see a reduction in the number of repairs you need. Keeping your air conditioner in peak performance will run more reliably and require fewer callouts to an AC services technician. Additionally, the benefit of having fewer callouts means you save money in the long run.
6. Catch Problems Sooner
If you don’t have your air conditioner maintained regulalry, there is a higher chance you won’t notice when something starts to have problems. These minor issues are easy to miss. Unfortunately, if you’re not performing proper AC care, you may only catch them once they become more significant problems.
These bigger problems can cause significant damage to your HVAC unit. This is not great for your wallet because major issues mean you typically spend more on repairs than you would have had you done regular AC maintenance.
7. Less Humidity
When your AC unit runs properly, it can filter the air properly. Better airflow means it can draw excess moisture from the air circulating in your home. This is a significant factor as a homeowner if you want to protect your property from damage.
Having an excess of humidity present in your home means you risk mold developing and dampness becoming a problem. A damp problem can damage your home and health, so a routine AC tune up every season is worth scheduling.
8. Better Comfort
There’s nothing worse than melting in a hot room because your air conditioner went on the fritz. The primary reason homeowners install air conditioners is to have the ability to regulate the temperature in their houses.
Being able to regulate the temperature means being able to stay cool and comfortable in the hotter months and warm and cozy in the cooler months. Hiring an AC service company for a regular AC tune up means you’ll be able to stay comfortable even when temperatures soar.
9. Keep Up to Date With the Latest Tech
If you’ve had your air conditioner for a while, the model you installed may be outdated. You can call an AC services provider to do a regular AC tune up and use this time to enquire about newer models or upgrades you can do on your current model.
A good HVAC company will have skilled technicians familiar with the latest air conditioning technology. They will be able to advise whether it’s worth upgrading your existing model or whether you should replace the entire unit with a newer, more efficient model.
Schedule an AC Tune Up Today
Scheduling a regular, seasonal AC tune up has many incredible benefits. This means your AC unit will be ready for use at the beginning of every warm season so you stay comfortable all year.
Having a well-maintained air conditioner means you can save on energy costs, keep up to date with the latest technology, reduce the number of repairs, and have excellent indoor air quality.
If you’re searching for quality AC services, contact us today. At Advanced Mechanical, we have skilled technicians waiting to help you make the choice that’s right for you.